Purpose Institute is a ministry training institution which partners with local churches and districts to develop leaders in the Apostolic model. Purpose Institute provides curriculum and systems designed to enhance ministry training, taught by qualified instructors, and make it accessible to emerging leaders.
The burden of Purpose Institute is to make Apostolic training available anywhere in the world, enabling workers to develop ministry skills and discover individual purpose.
← Watch the video for a quick summary of P.I.
Purpose Institute recommends that a student be at least 16 years old before registering in classes. While the curriculum and homework may be marginally difficult for some, it wouldn’t necessarily be the academic challenge that causes a student to drop away. A high school diploma or equivalent is not required to attend Purpose Institute; however, the learning required to achieve high school graduation is certainly an aid to students who desire to perform well.
Most Purpose Institute campuses use a ONE WEEKEND PER MONTH format, which allows students with busy schedules including work, family and church, the opportunity to invest in ministry training. However, aside from the classroom training, students must devote time to read required books, write essays, and prepare for class.
The curriculum has been designed to cycle in eight semesters. A student can begin at any point in the cycle and follow the curriculum through to completion. Each semester is designed to be a good mix of courses that include a focus on biblical, spiritual, and leadership training. The student is also required to gain life experience credits to receive a diploma. The curriculum is currently available in English at the Tokyo Worship Tabernacle campus.
Purpose Institute offers two diplomas:
The Foundational Diploma is awarded after the successful completion of four (4) semesters.
The Advanced Diploma is awarded after the successful completion of eight (8) semesters.
Purpose Institute also provides a clear guide for those pursuing ministerial licensing through the UPCI.
* Field Experience credits are important to well-rounded training. Students can choose from a number of ministry activities in order to complete the Diploma requirements.

For more information on Purpose Institute and international campuses, visit www.purposeinstitute.com.
For more information on the Tokyo Worship Tabernacle Campus, contact us at:
03-3377-5768 or tokyoworshiptabernacle@gmail.com, or
follow this link to find out about the TWT Campus schedule, tuition, and more:
Purpose Institute Packet 2018 TWT Campus
Purpose Institute Application Form